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Secretary's Message

Tree with strong roots will outstay for long and tree with weak roots will short-lived.


Smt. Bharathi Kemparaju

Welcome to JnanamudraVidyaniketana, which is located in Thathaguni, near Kanakapura Road Bangalore, to cater to the needs of the students by fostering quality education.

By quoting the above example, for the betterment of the child’s future, harvesting good quality education is essential to prepare every child to overcome challenges in a competing world.

JnanamudraVidyaniketana is driven with a holistic learning approach that creates excitement for children to learn, which is designed to stimulate imagination, independent thinking, social cognition, and creativity skills. We focus on innovative ways of significant resources, which are utilized in the teaching and learning process.

I firmly believe that the teacher is a great guide, expert, and master of knowledge, and a student is a succession that inherits knowledge from the teacher. Therefore, our teachers accumulate more knowledge, gather required information, and are even trained by educationists to tutor young tiny-tots. Teachers are given free-hand to train students. At the same time, the facilities of learning at JanamaudraVidyaniketana reflects the overall learning program that embraces Arts, Sports and Games, Labs, and Library.

The academics and curricula are well designed that meet the standards of Montessori education, and the school adopts a child-centric model that focuses on love, care, and a friendly learning environment to develop skills.

We take an extra step for every child’s safety precautions at our campus. Our campus is fully secure with well-sophisticated 360-degree surveillance cameras that are installed. Our transport facility is attached with a GPS tracking system to monitor the movement and speed of the vehicle.

We the family of JnanamudraVidyaniketana – management, staff, and caregivers are striving to build a strong foundation of ethics, etiquette, responsibility, values, and culture, which are instilled and ingrained into our students.

We are looking ahead to being a part of the JnanamudraVidyaniketana family!

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