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Policies & Procedures

Equal Opportunities Policy


This school is open to every family and we operate a first come first serve basis as this has proved to be the fairest system for those families waiting for a place for their child.

Families joining the School are made fully aware of our equal Opportunities policy.


The School will appoint the best person for each job and will treat fairly all applicants for jobs and all those appointed, regardless of age, gender, sexuality, class, family status disability, colour, ethnic origin or religion.

All workers accept a commitment to implement the Schools equal opportunities policy as part of their job description.


We recognise that many different types of family love and care for children and we welcome all types of family.

The Curriculum

We respect all children and aim to recognise their value to encourage their individuality and their potentiality. Activities and the use of play equipment offer children the opportunities to develop in an environment free from prejudice and discrimination. Children are given opportunities to explore, understand and value similarities and differences between themselves and others.


These are chosen to give children a balanced view of the World and an appreciation of the rich diversity of our multiracial society. Materials are selected to help children develop their self-respect and to respect other people by avoiding stereotypes and derogatory pictures or messages about any group of people.

Special Needs

We recognise the wide range of special needs of children and families, and will seek to play a part in meeting these needs. Planning for meetings and events will be taken into account the needs of people with disabilities.


These are not acceptable in the School. We aim to respond or in a way that is sensitive to everyone’s feelings, which helps those responsible to understand and overcome their prejudice. 


Information, written and spoken, will be clearly communicated in as many languages as possible. Multilingual children are an asset to us. They are valued and their Languages are recognised and respected in the group. Food, medical, cultural, religious and dietary needs will be met as requested by families.


The time, place and conduct of meetings will try to ensure that all families have an equal opportunity to be involved.


Confidentiality is based on who has the right and need to know information. If any information is considered confidential then it will be kept under lock and key with only named persons having access to it. Particular care will be given in maintaining and divulging information.


Records of children are usually between the child’s carer, the child and the child’s parents. For example, the child’s academic progress will probably be kept in the classroom and accessible to those carers that work with the child. The child’s medical record is generally known by his carer and some of the information, i.e. if he has any food allergy, is shared with the School cook in the interests of the child. However, there maybe, a part of the child’s medical record that needs to be kept confidential and available to named persons only.

Child protection is an area where a strict code of confidentiality must be maintained on ‘who has the right and need to know’. Child protection covers many areas and usually the child’s carer would be the first person to be aware of any child protection issue. The School head is then informed. Depending on the issue, the School head can raise it with the parents and she then makes the decision whether or not to advise the Child Protection Unit. If there is an occasion to protect the child, the School head will report the issue to the Child Protection Unit without consulting the child’s parents.


Some parents may divulge information about themselves and their family that is pertinent to the child and this information should only be shared with those who need to know. Parents may give information on their child’s Enrolment form, which is confidential. When meeting with a parent a private room will be available with the door closed to safeguard confidentiality.


Staff is given a contract of employment, which includes a clause regarding Confidentiality with regard to the children of the School, families, company business, etc. The Confidentiality clause states the penalties of any breach of confidentiality i.e. written or verbal warnings, suspension and depending on the gravity of the breach, termination of employment.

Registration, Withdrawal & Termination of Service


Parents should register in person so that they have a chance to look at the School and talk with the Supervisor/ Senior Teacher. During the registration, the School’s Supervisor/ Senior Teacher will also explain the policies, rules and regulations of the School.

To register, parents are required to complete the School’s Registration Form and pay a registration fee of 500/- (Five Hundred only)per child upon confirmation of the place. This registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. The registration fee is valid per entry and only for the date of enrollment as indicated by the parents.


A Notice to leave period of one month is required, in writing, addressed to the Centre Head Upon leaving, the deposit will not be refunded.

Termination of Service

The School reserves the right to terminate its service in any other circumstances it deems appropriate which reasons need not be disclosed to the parents, by giving the parents two month’s notice in writing. The advance fees  will returned to the parents by cheque.

The School also reserves the right to terminate the service given to any child by giving the parents one month’s notice in writing and returning the Advance fees, should any of the following occur:

  • Constant acts of violence (scratching, biting, fist-fighting, kicking, verbal abuse, etc) by child or parent
  • Severe learning disabilities
  • Habitual late payments of school fees
  • Failure by parents to comply with the School’s policies, rules and regulations

Other Information

Pick-up of Child from School

All parents sending their child to the school must sign in their child at the school’s receiving area.
All parents who are fetching their children are responsible to ensure that their child is safely and punctually picked up from the School.
Should parents be unable to fetch their child, they MUST inform the School the name and identification of the person who is authorised to fetch the child.
The School will not release any child to any person without prior consent of the parents.

Emergency Treatment

The School will endeavour to ensure the safety of your child.  However, the School accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage caused in the operating the School or whilst providing its services or be held responsible for any mishaps.

In case of an accident/emergency, our staff will try to contact the parent concerned on the telephone to inform him/her and receive his/her instructions.  In the event that the parent cannot be reached by telephone, the School will be authorised by the parent through his/her signing of the emergency medical treatment form, to seek appropriate medical consultation and treatment for child.  The School will endeavour to the best of its ability to consult with Emergency Medical Personnel or the Family Physician wherever possible.  The authorisation is valid until the child is withdrawn from the School. All expenses incurred (e.g. transport, medical fees) arising from such an event will be bore by parents.


If a child arrives at School ill, they will not be admitted. A sick child should be at home, not at School. We feel it unfair to expose other children or adults to the risk of illness unnecessarily. If a child falls ill during School hours, we will contact the parent to collect the child as soon as possible. In most cases we feel it beneficial for the child to see a Doctor.

If your child has a contagious illness, please notify us immediately so that we can advise other parents.

Children suffering from sickness or diarrhoea must not return to School until 24 hours after cessation of symptoms. A 48-hour exclusion period is in place.

In case of an emergency, an ambulance will be called and parents advised immediately. Parents are required to complete an Emergency Medical form (see Policies and Procedures).


Medication will only be administered upon written authorisation with exact directions (see Policies and Procedures).

Visit to the School

To minimise disruption in our programmes, it will be appreciated that an appointment is arranged with the School prior to the visit.

Field Trips And Excursions

As part of the School’s curriculum, the children will be brought on field trips and excursions to visit places of interest, so as to expand their knowledge and exposure.  On such occasions, the usual daily programme will not be adhered to.
A minimum charge to cover entrance fee, transportation, etc will be borne by the parents.

Parents are required to sign a consent form and pay a nominal fee for the cost of the trip. The School will not be held responsible in the event of any mishap during such outings or excursions.


Child Protection Policy

All incidents whether they have occurred at School or at home must be immediately noted and reported to the School Head.

It is important that details are shared with parents and recorded correctly in the Child Protection Log with dates, time, parents’ explanation and parent’s signature. This is vital as we have a duty as professionals to work in partnership with agencies and other authorities, to ensure the welfare of the child is paramount. If there are signs of sexual abuse, report your concerns to the School Head. The School Head will pass the information on to the Child Protection unit who decide whether or not to hold an investigation. The School Head will be responsible for pulling together all the information received about the child. Information, which is recorded, could be vital evidence towards an investigation of child abuse. Therefore it is important that information should be recorded for all children.

Referral Procedure

As soon as you are aware of concerns that “a child is suffering significant harm or is at risk of significant harm” you must

– Inform the School Head of your concerns, who will then
– Involve the family wherever possible (apart from sexual abuse)
– Involve the Child Protection Unit if necessary
– You must record all your concerns in the Child Protection Log

All records must be written in a non-judgmental way, based on fact and the evidence before you.

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