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Fancy Dress Competition

Fancy Dress Competition

Co-Curricular activities are instrumental in honing the talents and developing social skills, critical thinking and teamwork.
Jnanamudra Vidyaniketana has an array of CCA to instil a sense of belonging, camaraderie and brotherhood among students. These activities are held by grouping students into four Houses which encourages healthy competition, a hunger for winning and pride in accomplishments.
On Thursday, 10th November 2022, CCA competitions were conducted for all the classes.
Kindergarten students enthusiastically participated in ‘Fancy Dress’ Competition. The tiny tots were dressed up as famous personalities of Karnataka, Fruits and vegetables. It was a feast to the eyes and splendid performance by the students indeed!! Grade 1 to 5 students participated in Solo Dance, Clay Modelling, Solo Singing, Fancy Dress competition and Cooking without fire. Participants presented with confidence and joy. These activities helped the students learn teamwork and collaboration.
Grade 6 to 10 students participated in ‘Best out of Waste’. Beautiful decorative things were made by the students using old newspaper, dry leaves, twigs, hay, old clothes etc., which provided an opportunity for students to explore their interests and talents. CCA thus helped in the all-round development of our students!

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