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Introduction  Onam, the vibrant and joyous harvest festival of Kerala, holds a special place in the hearts of people in the southern …

Introduction  In an era dominated by screens and indoor activities, it has become increasingly crucial to reconnect students with the wonders of …

National Science Day is celebrated in India on February 28th every year to commemorate the discovery of the Raman Effect by Sir …

World Sanskrit Day is an annual event celebrated on the full moon day of the Hindu lunar month of Shravana. In 2022, …

Kindergarten students enthusiastically participated in 'Fancy Dress' Competition. The tiny tots were dressed up as famous personalities of Karnataka, Fruits and vegetables.

Kannada Rajyotsava was celebrated with great enthusiasm at Jnanamudra Vidyaniketana by the students of Mont-1 to class X in the school Amphitheatre on the bright morning of November 1, 2022.

A very important part of learning during Kindergarten years is identification and recognition of colours.Our world is filled with vibrant colours and to celebrate this, 'Rainbow Day' was organised on 21st October 2022 at JMVK campus.

Let us pray that the divine blessings of Goddess Durga bring you eternal peace and happiness. Happy Navratri to you and your family !

Field trips provide authentic, hands-on experiential learning,opportunities where students can connect what they are learning in classroom and in real world context. Today JMVK high-school childrens from G-5 to G-10 has field trip here there is a glimpse of it...

May the grace of God keep enlightening your lives and bless you always. Happy Ganesh chaturthi and Onam

Independence Day Celebration – 2022

Preserve your wealth and be healthy forever with the blessings of "Mahalakshmi" Jnanamudra Vidyaniketana celebrated Varamahalakshmi festival on 4/8/2022(Thursday).

Happy International Tigers Day. We must unite for the tiger, we can't let them fade out of sight. Save the Tigers before they are gone forever. Look at the Tigers mighty & strong, and remember that killing them for their skin is very wrong. Let the tigers Roar in the forest. Save tigers and conserve it's family.

Those who say the color of summer is not *YELLOW* are those who failed to see *MANGOES* *"Be sweet as a Mango"* The King of All fruits Today JMVK organized the mango day for the Montessori children It was colourful and amazing day.

Yoga is the Gateway of the happiness that body needs in daily life...Do Yoga and live disease free life Happy International Yoga Day to All.

Blue Day Celebration

Graduation Day Celebration

Establishing partnerships can be helpful for many Covid-19 vaccine related activities. We at JMVK had already started working with our local health department i .e the Primary Health Centre of Kaggalipura. Health experts and certified nurse were invited to the school for the same on 17/01/22 in the school campus for grade-9 and 10. Parents were informed through the school's communication channels about the date of Covid-19 vaccination.

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