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Jnanamudra Vidyaniketana’s  School Admission Process is designed to suit the needs of the deserving students. Selection Panel, along with the Principal, will have a one-on-one meeting with the parents and the child. Admission is based on subject to seat availability. However, deserving candidates will be given more preference.

Admissions are open for Play Group to Class 9.



  • Parents seeking admission for their children should fill in the application form.
  • Complete details should be mentioned in the Application Form
  • Application form should be duly signed along with the attached documents and 3 passport-size photos.
  • There won’t be any written test from Play Group to Montessori.
  • Written Tests are available from Grade 1 onwards.
  • For more information on the Application Submission process & Application Fees, please contact our Jnanamudra Vidyaniketana Admission office.

Documents to be Submitted Along with

Application Form

  • Original birth certificate
  • Photocopy of the Aadhar Card of student & parents.
  • 3 passport-size photo of a student, 1 passport-size photo of Father & Mother & 1 family photo with student (father, mother & child).
  • Photocopy of the report card (for admission from grade 1 to high school)
  • Transfer Certificate (can be submitted after admission)

Schedule Interaction

Scheduled interaction and/or written tests will be notified to parents.

Only selected candidates will be called for the interview round and further admission process.

Student interaction will be scheduled with our panels and followed by a parent interaction.

Please ensure timely availability at the school.

Minimum Age Criteria

Montessori 1: 2.7 to 3 years
Montessori 2: 3.7 to 4 years
Montessori 3: 4.7 to 5 years

Grade 1: 5.7 to 6 years
Grade 2 : 6.7 to 6 years
Grade 3 : 7.7 to 8 years
Grade 4 : 8.7 to 9 years

Grade 5 : 9.7 to 10 years
Grade 6 : 10.7 to 11 years
Grade 7 : 11.7 to 12 years

Grade 8: 12.7 to 13 years
Grade 9 : 13.7 to 14 years
Grade 10 : 14.7 to 15 years

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